Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Value of a good mortgage consultant

With the latest news of the faltering loan sector of our economy, a reputable mortgage consultant has become as important as ever. Most of us do not have the ability to pay cash when making a purchase of a home and it is the mortgage consultant's job to find the best loans to consider for a client looking to purchase a home. The doom and gloom news we have been reading about has actually been good news for those looking to borrow money. Loan companies are now under a microscope to help pretect the buyer!

When Kim & I have open houses for our listings we try to have a loan partner available at the open house. Quite often we have folks who come to see our homes and they really have no idea as to what they can or cannot afford. Neither our loan partners nor ourselves are out to just make a quick sale, our reputations are too valuable. Any decision must be made on sound business principles. The buyer must be completely comfortable and clear with their financing program.

So here is to our loan partners, thanks for providing your much needed assistance!