Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Sacramento Jazz Festival

The 33rd annual Sacramento Jazz Festival is taking place this weekend and my parents and their large group of friends came up for the event. It is the 25 straight year my parents have come up from the Bay Area for this event!

Yesterday, Kim & I packed up our two kids and joined my parents for the event. What a great time we all had. Of course there was lots of music and some fantastic people watching. Also the event allows you access to the museums and we spent a good hour at the Train Museum in Old Sacramento. The weather wasn't so great this year but it didn't matter. The music was great and our kids had a blast.

For those of you looking for a great family outing put this on your list. It happens every year on Memorial Day Weekend. The good time we had wore our kids out . . .evidenced by the fact that it is after 8am and they our still asleep. Our 2-year old typically is awake by 6am. The quiet peaceful morning is just icing on the cake!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


As Realtors we run into some strange situations during our daily tasks. Well this last Sunday was an example of this.

Sunday I was getting ready to do an open house. This is one of the ways we find clients to meet and help find homes. I got up early to put out my open home signs and headed off to get a cup of coffee. On my way back to the home I noticed that one of the signs I put up was gone. As I travelled the neighborhood I noticed other signs are gone. Then I came upon a van with balloons inside of it. Yep, this is the van that has taken my signs which had balloons attached to it.

I parked my car and walk up to the van and it sped off before I could get to the drivers window. I hopped into my car and followed him. Finally he pulled over and got out of the car and started screaming at me. I demanded and got my signs back.

Turns out he was the owner of the home before the bank foreclosed on him and was angry that we were trying to find a buyer for it.

This was something they didn't prepare me for in Real Estate school.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Need a Home Equity Loan?

If you're thinking about getting a home equity loan, you should definitely check this out. Charles Schwab is offering a very attractive option.

They are offering a loan with an interest rate of "prime - 1.01%". In today's market, that translate into a loan of 3.99%! Obviously, you and your home need to qualify, but from the research I've done it is unbeatable.