Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Sacramento Jazz Festival

The 33rd annual Sacramento Jazz Festival is taking place this weekend and my parents and their large group of friends came up for the event. It is the 25 straight year my parents have come up from the Bay Area for this event!

Yesterday, Kim & I packed up our two kids and joined my parents for the event. What a great time we all had. Of course there was lots of music and some fantastic people watching. Also the event allows you access to the museums and we spent a good hour at the Train Museum in Old Sacramento. The weather wasn't so great this year but it didn't matter. The music was great and our kids had a blast.

For those of you looking for a great family outing put this on your list. It happens every year on Memorial Day Weekend. The good time we had wore our kids out . . .evidenced by the fact that it is after 8am and they our still asleep. Our 2-year old typically is awake by 6am. The quiet peaceful morning is just icing on the cake!

1 comment:

Teri Beri said...

Scott you look like my best friend. Her name is Princess. Are you guys related?